There are a variety of natural disasters that can damage your home. It is important to prepare your home for the season. June through almost December is hurricane season. There are a few items you can do to help prepare your roof for hurricane season. 

Prepare Your Roof by Getting an Inspection Before Hurricane Season

While there are some items you can do to check a roof yourself, getting a professional opinion can help save a lot of money down the road. Any professional roofing contractor can take a look at the roof and provide you with a list of needed repairs or concerns that you will want to address before hurricane season. 

Fix Any Shingles on the Roof

The high-speed winds of a hurricane can put a lot of wear and tear on a roof. Securing any loose shingles can help avoid some of the damage that often follows a hurricane. By taking the time to address any shingle issues on your roof, you can avoid some of the extended water damage that comes with the heavy rain associated with a hurricane. Loose shingles, missing shingles, and damaged shingles all need attention to make sure your home stays fully protected during a hurricane. 

Address Any Shrubbery Near Your Roof

Heavy trim limbs can cause a large amount of damage to the roof during hurricane season. Take a walk around the house and look for any large over-hanging limbs. You will want to trim anything near or laying against your roof. Removing large shrubbery from around the roof area will help avoid additional damage to your roof from breaks and scraping. 

Prepare Your Roof by Cleaning Out the Gutters

During the fall and winter months, your gutters can get filled with leaves, twigs, and random debris. Full or blocked gutters can cause a collection of moisture in certain areas. This moisture can cause damage over time. A blocked gutter can also break under severe weather conditions causing additional damage to not only the roof but additional areas of your home as well. Before hurricane season, take the time to clean out your gutters. 

Purchase Back-up Supplies for Your Roof

One of the keys to protecting the roof during a hurricane is finding a way to minimize the damage. Purchasing items to put together an emergency kit will help prevent unnecessary damage. A tarp, buckets, and weights are essential items for a hurricane roof emergency kit. You can minimize water damage to your home by laying a tarp over damaged roof areas. It will also allow you to buy a little time to hire a professional to review and assess the damage caused by a hurricane. 

Assess Damage to the Roof Caused by a Hurricane

Once a hurricane passes through your area, climb into your attic and see if you see any water damage. Walk through your yard and see if you see broken or damaged shingles. If you see a large number of damaged shingles from your roof, it will be time to call a professional to discuss your needs for a roof replacement. 

If you find yourself in need of a partner to assist with preparing your roof for a hurricane, Specialty Home Products has a team of professionals readily available. It does not matter if you need to repair current damage, inspect the state of your roof, or discuss a roof repair or replacement post-hurricane. Specialty Home Products can help get you started today.