With winter weather upon us, now is the time of year to consider what needs to be done to protect your roof and family from the elements. Homes or commercial buildings built to current codes (built after 1975) can support a typical northwest winter snow load. However, that does not guarantee complete protection. Excessive or heavy snow and hard ice can especially overpower your roof’s strength. This will ultimately cause your roof to fail or collapse.

Protect Your Roof in Older Buildings

If your property was built before 1975, your roof’s load capacity may not be strong enough for harsh northwest winter weather. Be prepared to take extra steps to care for your home and roof. Flat roofs are especially vulnerable to heavy snow damage. Watch for signs of a stressed roof such as sagging ceiling tiles, popping or creaking noises, jammed doors and windows, cracks along the walls or leaks. If you notice these things, ask a professional to inspect your roof.

Tips to Protect Your Roof

Fresh, light snowfall poses no threat to your roof. As the snow begins to melt, it compacts and becomes heavier. Add rain to a snow-covered roof and the snow load increases. As the heaviest winter element, ice creates the greatest stress and threat. To prevent problems, it is essential to keep roofs in proper maintenance during the winter season. As cold winter weather and severe storms approach, learn to safeguard your home in the following ways.

Properly Insulate Your Attic

One way for a homeowner to be ready for winter is to ensure proper insulation. While you may not think so, proper insulation protects your home during rough winter weather. During summer months, proper attic insulation keeps the heat out of the house. During the winter, proper insulation keeps your heated air inside. It also keeps the temperature of the attic cool which keeps the snow on the roof from melting too fast and ice forming right around the roof’s edges during the winter. Quick-melting snow results in clogged gutters, icicles and heavy ice dams. If you notice spots on your roof that seem to melt more quickly than other spots, you likely do not have sufficient insulation in your attic. Make sure your attic has 12 to 15 inches of fiberglass or cellulose insulation.

Clean Gutters Before a Storm Hits

Clearing your gutters in the fall is one of the best preventative measures you can take to protect your roof during the winter months. First of all, trim your trees to keep them away from the house. This will reduce the number of leaves that collect on your roof. Clear gutters allow melting snow to freely flow off the roof. This minimizes the amount of ice that freezes on the roof. Also, clogged gutters will fill with water and freeze. This can cause heavy ice to weigh down the gutters, increasing the likelihood that they pull away and break off the house. Trying to clear ice-filled gutters yourself is dangerous. If done improperly, it  could cause damage to your home. Call a roofing professional to clear ice from gutters.

Remove Excessive Snow

When snow loads exceed 20 lbs per square foot, take steps to clear the snow. It is important to be safe when you clear your roof. Throughout the winter season, check for excessive snow often. Be sure to use a proper snow rake. As you rake the snow, use even strokes to balance the snow-load. Leave at least two inches of snow to prevent damage from the rake. If it is not possible for you to reach the roof safely, call a professional. Do not try to chip away an ice dam. This will create damage to your roof and shingles. Damaged shingles will further weaken the roof. If you have excessive ice, call a professional for help.

Protecting your roof during the winter requires preparation, work and a watchful eye. Should ice and snow get too heavy this winter you might need the services of a professional. Contact the friendly representatives at Specialty Home Products and ask about our services. Offering a wide selection of related roofing procedures at an affordable premium, the experts at Specialty Home Products strive to provide the best customer service in the area.