Provide a professional quality installation, allowing the building to reap the full benefits of its new exterior
The experts at Specialty Home Products work with various types of siding to fit any building. All of their products are designed to withstand the local weather extremes and keep a home or business beautiful for years to come. They have the skills and experience to provide a professional quality installation, allowing the building to reap the full benefits of its new exterior.
Wood siding is a classic choice. It adds warmth and beauty to a home and can be treated with stain or paint. The wood also adds a bit of extra insulation, but it does require some upkeep. The siding needs to be scraped and repainted every few years. As paint begins to flake, moisture and mildew find their way to the siding, causing it to rot.
Vinyl siding is a worry-free solution that will last for years. It comes in a variety of colors and doesn’t require painting or refinishing. This siding doesn’t provide the insulation of wood siding, but when it is installed well, it can keep a home or business looking beautiful with little to no maintenance.
Cement siding can be an excellent choice for homes or commercial buildings. It is a noncombustible material and requires very little maintenance. Once installed, it can be painted any color, and it is a very durable material.
Steel siding is a popular choice for commercial and industrial buildings. It is cost effective, durable and worry-free.

No matter the job, the team at Specialty Home Products will make sure to do it right. They go can go over the benefits of each type of material to help clients choose the best option for them. They are proud to be a part of the community and work hard for client satisfaction.
1613 E. Ross Ct. Spokane 99207
3322 S. Pittsburg Spokane 99203
25014 W. Kitt Rd. Readran 99029
112 S. Greenridge Dr. Liberty Lake 99019
3317 W. 9th Ave Spokane 99224
14112 E. Queen Ave. Spokane Valley 99216
3011 S. Wilbur Spokane 99206
723 E. Bridgeport Ave Spokane 99207
608 W. Holmberg Ln. Spokane 99218
4514 S. Willamette Spokane 99223
5308 S. Perry St. Spokane 99223
344 W. Joseph Spokane 99205
714 E. Rockwell Spokane 99207
1305 S. Best Rd. Spokane Valley 99037
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