Recurring home repairs can be costly. Fortunately, there is an easy way to help defer those large bills, and that is with some regular roof maintenance. The roof of a home is what helps protect the internal parts of the residence and its structure from damage. By following a few essentials of roof maintenance, it could help prevent long-term damage in a lot of areas. 

Roof Maintenance by Washing your Roof

It may seem silly, but a roof needs regular cleaning just like a car or person. It is easy to tell when it is time to give your roof a bath. Over time, it is easy for small pieces of debris or the weather to cause a build-up of issues on your roof. If you take a look around and see large spots or streaks throughout specific areas of the roof; it is time for a bath. Traditionally, the weather will travel from the peak of your roof to the eave, and the path most commonly taken will become visible. Algae build-up is common in these areas and can cause damage to your roof. While this is not an immediate issue, regular cleaning will help prevent long-term damage and protect your shingles from rot. 

Roof Maintenance by Clearing the Gutters

It is true that no one likes to take on the dirty jobs, but giving special attention to problem areas of your roof can help you prevent some costly repairs. The gutters of a home are like a collection plate of random debris. Being proactive and cleaning out your gutters at least twice a year can reduce the risk of the gutter’s clogging. Gutters are put in place to protect your roof, and when they clog, you run the risk of more than just some cosmetic issues. A gutter clog can encourage water to collect and release under the structure of your roof and cause long-term damage. 

Clear Your View

Trees are often one of the largest factors in roof damage. If you live in an area with a lot of trees or shrubbery, it is critical to practice regular landscaping. Taking the time to trim back overgrown branches or bushes can help save you some headache in future roof repair. Clearing the area above your roof by eliminating the likelihood of fallen limbs on your will help minimize any damage caused by natural weather. The added collection of leaves that tend to gather in the autumn months also provide a hub for moisture to collect and cause additional damage when they fall from the trees. 

Look for Leaks & Make Minor Repairs

Take a look around your roof and look for areas needing attention. Making it a practice to regularly replace missing shingles or make minor patch fixes can help extend the life of your roof. Replacing a roof can be costly, and reviewing and addressing any minor issues in regular roof maintenance can help put off that high roof replacement bill to a future date. You can be proactive and follow a few steps to help prevent roof leaks as well.

If you find you are in the market of needing professional help with roof repair and replacement, contact a professional at Specialty Home Products today. There are experts available to walk you through the process of preparing your home for a new roof.