With a change of seasons comes a variety of weather. Preparing your house properly for the winter weather could help extend the lifespan of your roof. Taking the time to ensure your house is ready before the winter weather will help reduce the number of repairs or issues you experience when the snow clears. 

Inspect the State of Your Roof

Thoroughly inspecting the condition of your roof is crucial to preparing your roof for snow. To start your review, begin from the ground and walk around your home. You will want to look for any issues such as debris, holes, leaking, discoloration. Once you complete your review from the ground, it would be beneficial to review from the roof level as well. If you do not feel safe climbing on your home, a roofing contractor can assist with your regular roof review and maintenance. Identifying and addressing any issues you come across during your review will help prepare your roof to receive the snow. 

Before the Snow, Clean the Gutters Around Your Roof

During the fall, it is common for gutters to fill with a collection of debris from the changing weather. The collection of the debris in the gutter could cause issues once the snow begins to fall. The congestion in the gutter could hinder the flow of the melting snow. The collection of moisture could cause damage over time and reduce the lifespan of your roof. Clearing the debris and preparing for the snow will help make sure your house stays as clear as possible during the snowy months. Along with the gutters, you will want to make sure all downspouts as clear as well. 

Review the Insulation in Your Attic

Preparing your roof for snow isn’t only about the exterior of your home. It involves inspecting some aspects of the interior of your home as well. The attic insulation plays a major role in protecting your home from the oncoming snow. The chilly weather can leak into your home and make it difficult to heat without proper insulation. You will want to look for any areas that have damage and address concerns. It is common for animals and other external factors to work their way into your attic over time. It is important to check around from time to time to stay on top of any minor roof concerns before they become major ones. 

Check Your Roof After Snow

Once the snow has come, make sure to check the condition of your roof. You can look around your home for any areas with heavy collection. Addressing any area where you see a heavy snow collection can help reduce damage like a cave-in or leaks. When snow is unable to move and piles up the weight can cause cracks and strain on your home. Checking in the attic for wet spots or mold as well as looking around the outside for large piles on your roof and raking away access is key to reducing strain on your house after the snow has fallen. 

If you do find yourself in a situation where you need professional assistance from a roofing contractor, contact Specialty Home Products today. There is a team of professionals readily available to help assist with any questions or concerns on your roofing needs.